Moving Inclusive Economy Solutions from the Fringes to the Forefront

The inclusive economies movement has decades of proven models that solve for economic inequity, yet these innovations remain largely invisible—at the margins of media coverage, political debate, and cultural attention.

We are being outspent by those promoting narratives aimed to actually disconnect communities and workers from the wealth they generate. 

We must invest to move inclusive economy solutions to the forefront of mainstream culture and open new possibilities for action.

The Beloved Economies Collaborative for Narrative Infrastructure will connect wider audiences with inclusive economy solutions by developing shared narrative infrastructure.

We will contribute to narrative infrastructure by working together across organizations to research, develop, and share stories and messages that shape public opinion. This effort is strengthened by building skills and creating coordinated networks that enhance the impact and reach of these stories.

Together, we are piloting a new way of working collectively to meet the complexity and scale of the challenge—and sharing our learnings from this pilot to make it replicable by others within our movement.

Join us in a bold pilot to mainstream solutions through collaboration.

We are seeking funding partners who desire to be catalysts with us, by exploring bold and creative ways to resource the narrative power needed.

Building on an initial $500,000 grant of catalytic funding awarded for foundational work with our strategic partners, we aim to raise a total of $2.4 million by end-2024 and an additional $3.2 million by March 2025.

Join us by investing in building narrative power: a $5.6 million raise for a three-year program of work launching in April 2025.

Join us by investing in building narrative power:

Our focus: solutions related to how we work and how we fund

Our collaborative members are at the forefront of reimagining how we work and fund as levers for economic justice.

Our collaboration is focused on mainstreaming a specific set of inclusive economies solutions: workplace transformation. We take inspiration from the Beloved Economies research initiative which proved workplace change is a catalyst for systemic economic transformation. 

In this populist moment as those across the political spectrum are vying for support through messaging worker power, we will expand public perception on what’s possible for shared power in the workplace—from financing to ownership—to contribute to an economy that benefits all.

Our People:

Joining Forces to Activate Narrative Power

With strategic partners and a dedicated implementation team, we are coming together to form a coordinated, nimble, and action-oriented Collaborative.

Together, we represent leading expertise and a significant track record in building effective narrative strategy and infrastructure for our movements, as well as in-depth experience at the cutting edge of transforming how we work and fund. 

Point persons from member organizations & strategic partners

  • Akira Nakahara

    Imperative 21

  • Arianne Shaffer

    Kindle Project

  • Bruce Campbell

    Blue Dot Advocates

  • Dana Kawaoka-Chen

    Justice Funders

  • Daniel Roth


  • Dino Foxx

    Justice Funders

  • Jess Rimington

    Beloved Economies LLC

  • Jessica Norwood


  • Joanna Levitt Cea

    Beloved Economies LLC

  • Mandy Van Deven


  • Maya Procel Farrar

    Magic Cabinet

  • Nikishka Iyengar

    The Guild

  • Nina Robinson


  • Rachel Burrows

    Full Spectrum Labs

  • Raymond Pettit

    Possibility Labs

  • Sonia Sarkar

    Beloved Economies LLC

  • Taj James

    Full Spectrum Capital Partners

  • Tatewin Means

    Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation

  • Trevor D. Smith

    BLIS Collective

Our Story:

In 2023, we came together through our shared interest in the Beloved Economies campaign’s findings.

In its final year the campaign convened a co-learning process to explore ways its narrative research could be useful to peer efforts. Building on that inquiry, we met to jointly explore narrative opportunities for the inclusive economies movement as it relates to workplace transformation. In the process, we discovered that we shared strongly aligned aims and analysis of the narrative challenge and opportunity we jointly face. 

At the end of 2023, Full Spectrum Capital Partners stepped up to incubate a new collaborative effort among our organizations and to provide bridge funding for its initial months. We asked Beloved Economies co-authors, Jess Rimington and Joanna Cea, to facilitate a collective process to dream into the possibilities and define a collaborative strategy and for Beloved Economies LLC to co-hold the incubation with Full Spectrum Capital Partners. 

Since January 2024, fifteen of us have worked closely to develop our Collaborative through lively group Zoom sessions, many document iterations, ad hoc calls, and shared bi-weekly all-member communication. Together we have collectively defined a bold plan and built the apparatus to achieve it.